Why should children learn horsemanship these days?


Equestrian education is not just about technology, competition and fitness, it can train us to have a positive outlook on life and grow into a true, healthy, responsible, strong and positive person.

  1. Improve learning and communication skills
    In the process of becoming a qualified knight, in addition to learning riding knowledge, the most important thing is good communication with the instructor, as well as invisible contact communication with the horse. Communication between people and coaches is easier because they have a common language. But communication between humans and animals is not easy.
    To get along with a big horse that can’t talk, you first need to learn to give the horse a sense of security. It is necessary to understand whether it is nervous and insecure, learn to understand its expression and the information conveyed in its body movements, and then be able to further get along with the horse naturally and safely.
    Not only on horseback, but throughout the whole process, you need to let yourself use the “heart” to communicate the language. Naturally strengthen the way and connotation of communication, whether using language or not, can express their own thoughts, but also can be more considerate of others… Therefore, many parents are willing to send their children during the rebellious period of youth to learn equestrian sports.
  2. Strengthen the ability to judge the moment and learn to overcome fear
    A person who has never ridden a horse, when he starts to mount a horse, he often feels afraid, whether the horse is walking, stopping, or running… Because you can’t predict the horse’s next move, you can’t control the stress, which leads to fear.
    Jumping rider Wang said: “You have to have super-fast judgment, keen body language and calm courage… In a race where every second counts and no hesitation is allowed, the player must judge the direction, height and distance of each obstacle in the shortest possible time, and then communicate the instructions to the horse at the same time, using the most skilled and precise body language. But also must learn to overcome, in every obstacle jump at the moment, the horse will also have a feeling of resistance. To complete the perfect surmounting of a dozen obstacles, it can only take a short 3-5 minutes.
    The wonderful performance on the stage seems simple and short, but the players’ continuous training, day after day for years, can be exchanged for precious applause. The fruits of success not only come from the training of judgment, but also need a strong ability to resist pressure. All this is accumulated bit by bit in the process of learning to ride.
  3. Face setbacks, strengthen emotional intelligence and reverse quotient
    Have you noticed that people who ride horses a lot may have a condition called “dismount syndrome”? That is, many people usually after riding a horse, often appear depressed, mumbling, comparing hands and feet, and then constantly ask the instructor, “How was my hand movement?” How the feet move…”
    Such a symptom, to put it bluntly, is because the rider is invisibly stimulated by the hidden desire for progress. And the horse is a living animal, the state of every day will be different, in the riding process is not good, it is easy to taste frustration.
    Let the child learn to look at his failure correctly, bravely face failure, and cultivate a strong personality of re-emergence and perseverance. This kind of appropriate frustration education can strengthen the child’s psychological ability to bear. Also because of frustration and the desire to progress, down and then climb up, the little knights can also develop their own “EQ philosophy”, self-encouragement, and continuous growth.
  4. Avoid “slouching” and gain good posture
    Children “hunchback” is also a problem that many parents worry about, all kinds of bad posture, not only will affect the child’s self-confidence, for the growth of teenagers, but also bring permanent health hazards.
    Riding requires chest out, sitting up straight, the basic posture of riding, and fundamentally change the habit of “stooping”. In addition, riding is also a vertical line stretching movement, long-term persistence, it will form a very beautiful, straight and upright posture.
  5. Get a new perspective and get fun
    More than 80% of people in the world view the world from a perspective of 150-200 cm for most of their lives. This habit makes life very boring, seeing tables and chairs of similar height, bills of similar size, houses of similar space distance, working in offices of similar furnishings every day…
    Imagine riding a horse and looking at the horizon. What would it be like? When the horse surpasses the 150 cm obstacle, the height and speed of this moment, all the scenery in front of us all show the picture of the residual shadow. When people and horses are stuck in the air, the earth seems to stand still for a second…
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