Knee pain, injury, what is the correct rehabilitation idea?


 Knee pain and knee injury is a very common problem, clinical common injury types include knee effusion, meniscus injury, running knee, patella softening, knee arthritis, degenerative changes, ligament injury, popliteal cyst, quadriceps tendonitis, patellar tendonitis, goose foot bursitis, tibial nodules and so on! If you’ve ever taken a magnetic film, you can compare what kind of damage you have.

 From the point of knee symptoms, I contact most customers will have: stiffness, pain, pain, weakness, weakness, chills, fever, squatting, walk more pain, stairs pain, pain, etc., each person’s symptoms are different, different location, the cause of the difference is big, all need to identify, specific assessment, personalized rehabilitation.

 In our seven years of rehabilitation, we have recovered 30,000 cases, and nearly one third of the people have knee pain. We are very good at knee pain, low back pain and knee rehabilitation.

 What are the common causes of knee injuries in these people?

The first reason is the incorrect movement.

Some people do not often exercise before, because to lose weight or want to improve the physical quality, began to run, fitness, because of the large weight, no foundation, a little fierce, resulting in knee pain, injury;

Some people start to run after knee pain, feel that it may be normal, think that running will not hurt, who knows the more run more severe;

Some people because the running posture is not right or fitness movement is not standard, resulting in knee pressure, gradually lead to injury pain;

 There are also people because of excessive exercise, and do not know how to relax the muscles after exercise, over time of subtle fatigue and injury accumulation, gradually chronic strain;

 I’ve met a lot of injured people, active and careful, right, away from injury.

 The second reason is overwork.

 For example, standing for a long time, running up and down, moving heavy objects, long-term work, etc., repeated excessive use of knees will lead to muscle strain and joint degenerative changes.

 Of course, long-term sedentary time is still not good for the knee, will make the thigh muscle stiff, blood circulation is not good, weak, also lead to knee pain. So look at the knee is also quite “delicate” of!

 The third reason is the compensatory injury.

What is a compensatory injury? It is the knee should not originally force, load so much, but because other places can not work, the knee had to bear their own extra burden, time will strain.

For example, I met a lot of people with ankle sprain, because the foot injury dare not force, knee force too much lead to strain;

After one side of the knee problems, the other side of the knee will carry too much weight, resulting in strain;

Gluteal muscle weakness can cause tension in the iliotibial band of the fascia lata tensor muscle, causing lateral pain in the knee;

 Flat foot, X leg, patella external movement and other force line is not straight, will let the knee specific pressure directly increase, resulting in injury;

 So when we recover from knee pain, in addition to solving the local pain, but also to find the root cause, it is not easy to relapse.

 The fourth cause is the trauma.

 Part of this trauma is obvious trauma, such as riding an electric bike to directly sprain, walking to direct injury, or knocked down by a car, leading to ligament, meniscus, patella injury, some may face direct surgery.

 This trauma can also be not so serious, the back feel good, but always vaguely affect you, for a long time to become a chronic injury, affect your life and sports. We always do not pay attention to when it is not serious, the pain is more serious recovery, this is human laziness.

 The above reasons, in my rehabilitation work to see very much, so we take a lesson! Knee as the most complex joint of the human body, and the blood circulation is very poor, once injured, it is difficult to heal by themselves, and we have to use the weight every day, once the injured pain is still very affect people, affect walking, dare not exercise, will be fat, affect the quality of life.

 Many people have knee pain or a knee joint scan and want to know how to recover. Because everyone’s symptoms are different, the causes of the symptoms are also very different, it is necessary to evaluate, evaluate, where there is a problem, it is good to solve where, this is very targeted, fast, not easy to relapse.

 Let me tell you, when you have knee pain, what do we check and recover?

 A patient where uncomfortable, where there is pain, we have to check the muscles and fascia in this place.

 Different positions of pain, involving different muscles and fascia.

 Knee pain, stiffness, uncomfortable, the most direct cause is likely to be muscle and fascia, but affect the symptoms of knee muscle fascia has many, we need one by one to check, palpation with obvious pain with injury, inflammation, problems, we need to focus, processing methods including manipulation, activation and training, to solve the problem itself, but also strengthen, is not easy to relapse.

 This is a local assessment, and the overall assessment is not contradictory.

 Because many people have been in pain for a long time, more than a month or even more than half a year, his local inflammation and damage, we need to deal with, after treatment, the symptoms will improve quickly.

2 Check the knee joint alignment and force line problems.

 As I said before, knee pain has a lot to do with the wrong position of the knee joint! This is a very important part of it.

 As you can imagine, if the knee joint is not right, his local pressure will be very high, even if the pain is temporarily gone, it will be very easy to relapse behind, this is one of the reasons why many people have been seeing knee pain, has been repeated.

 Knee misalignment often includes: patella itself rotation, patella outside, knee varus, knee valgus, leg straightening, tibial external rotation, femoral rotation, etc., and the pelvis above the knee and the arch below the knee, calcaneus will also affect the force line of the knee.

Three thigh strength, ankle flexibility and stability, hip flexibility and stability and knee pain.

For people with knee pain, the strength of the thigh is crucial;

 The balance of strength between the quadriceps and the hamstring muscles, and the adductor and abductors is also important;

 And ankle flexibility, forefoot ankle stability, gluteal strength, hip range of motion, etc., all greatly affect the pain and functional performance of the knee.

 People with knee pain, we must check whether this part is weak, there is weak to strengthen, is conducive to their own knee strong, improve the physical quality, not easy to relapse.

 Of course, in addition to strength and balance control, muscles also need good flexibility. A good muscle is as hard as iron in its force and should be as soft as mud when relaxing.

4 Walking posture and control are also indispensable in the rehabilitation of knee pain.

 You will find that a lot of people with knee pain, walking posture is not good-looking, generally not good-looking posture is wrong.

 For example, when walking, the outside of the foot calf force too much, gluteus muscle will not force, the instep can not hook up, inside and outside eight characters, legs fork too much, the pelvis twist too much, these are to slowly correct and gait training.

 On a journey of a thousand miles, if the walking posture is wrong, it will lead to an impact on the knee, so be sure to correct your gait.

5 The position of the long and short legs and pelvis is also very important in the recovery of knee pain.

 In fact, if you have long and short legs and pelvis problems, time will affect the gait, which will cause the above impact on the knee.

 In addition, the long and short legs, the pelvis itself is not straight, will lead us to walk, exercise, running, both sides of the leg force is not the same, then the two sides of the muscle is unbalanced, this imbalance will also lead to a vicious circle.

 If you have 0.5cm, you can feel when you are running; if the difference is 0.8cm, you can feel when you walk; if you have a marked pelvis, you can feel your pelvis is crooked, such as right, right, etc.

Of course, the long and short legs and pelvis will not only affect the knee, but also directly affect the lower back pain.

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